Friday, September 26, 2008

Fjerne rynker og rynkebehandling

Rynke behandling

Rynker, strekk merker pigmentering endringer og slapphet i huden forårsaket av en kombinasjon av de aldrende prosessen, arvelighet, eksterne faktorer og miljømessige påvirkninger. Sol lys (UV-lys) og røyking bidrar til den aldrende prosessen er akselerert.

Rynker, som ligger i hudens overflate kan være bra eller dyp. Behandling kan være i form av ulike injeksjoner eller peeling. Ved injeksjon terapi injisert volum på huden. Dette løftet de rynket hud for å oppnå en glattere overflate. Rynker forårsaket av muskel-aktivitet kan forbedres ved å "Botox" til paralyze muskler og gir en glattere overflate.

I tilfelle av fine rynker og uren hud kan betraktes laser peeling (se nedenfor piksel).

For injeksjon behandlinger, vi bruker Restylane og Easy-agaros. Egen adipose vev kan brukes i tilfeller hvor det er behov for høyt volum, legge til eller ønske om et permanent resultat.

Restylane og Easy-agarose

Restylane er et krystallklart gel, produsert av bioteknologi stabilisert ikke-animalske hyaluronic syre og vann. Hyaluronic syre er en vævsvenligt substans, som er svært lik kroppens egen naturlige hyaluronic syre. Restylane gir volum til støtte hudens struktur, heis og jevner ut rynker og furrows, og ved å gjenopprette en sunn hud utseende. Resultatet kan sees umiddelbart. Det vil være et behov for oppfølging behandling etter 3-6 månedene.

Dersom du ser etter en måte å fjerne rynker på er dette kanskje løsningen på dine problemer.

Agarose er et naturlig, organisk og 100% biologisk nedbrytbart dermatological produkt uten legges syntetisk krydsbindere. Risikoen for bivirkninger i form av utenlandske handlinger eller arvæv beskjedent.

Fordelen med agarose er at resultatet vil bli forlenget, og vil vare i opptil 9-12 måneder.

Den gel er lett og kan bli skylt ut gjennom en svært tynn nål som er dedikert til behandling av ujevne linjer og fine rynker rundt øynene og munnen.

Agarose kommer i ulike former og kan brukes til å arbehandling, læbeforstørrelse, cheeks og hake øker.

Etter å ha valgt for Restylane og Easy-agarose

Som med alle perkutanøse prosedyrer, er det risiko for infeksjon når produktet blir injisert i anatomisk område med tilstedeværelse av en inflammatorisk eller infective prosessen. De bivirkninger som kan være rødhet, hevelse, mhet, kløe eller forårsaker misfarging av behandlede sted. Den ubehag er forbigående og forsvinner vanligvis innen noen få dager. Betente reaksjoner i sjeldne tilfeller kan vare opptil to uker. Lepper etter en behandling kan være swollen i flere dager.

I tilfelle av en complication, er det svært viktig at pasienten umiddelbart kontakte lege.
Hvis du vil legge til volum aspirate leve fett celler, som etter filtrering og rensing brukes for bulking i ansiktet, leppene, brystene og depressions i huden etter tidligere operasjoner.

Handlingen er ofte som et supplerende tiltak til en annen operasjon.

Etter sekvensen er mer dramatisk etter fett injeksjoner og det er vanligvis 3-4 uker før vi kan se det endelige resultatet.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Låne Penger Uten Sikkerhet

Kanskje du ikke visste at forbrukslån uten sikkerhet har ofte lavere renter dersom man sammenligner med forbrukskredittkort og noen typer lån, og da kan det kan ofte være en god ide å motta betydelig mer penger via å ta et lån uten sikkerhet. Mange varianter lån kan du få hos nærmest sagt alle banker i Norge. Men ikke glem at slike lån har man anledning til å få billigere på nettsidene til låneselskaper, hos f.eks. RealFinans. Man bør være bevisst på at normalt sett er det bare mennesker med en sikker privatøkonomi som bør opprette slike lån. Din bank liker at du har en gjennomgående god jobbsted, på grunn av at da vil banken din ha tillitt til at vi kan administrere lånet.

Det er mange ulike aktørene som kan gi oss usikrede lån kvikt og enkelt. Om du sender en lånesøknad om et forbrukslån gjennom Internett, kan det ofte vil skje meget kjapt, siden det har navnet hurtiglån.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Earn Money Online Quickly

If its one thing I like to do online, it is to learn how to earn money online quickly! Either if its affilite business or whatever it is. Now lets discuss this matter futher...

So how can you do it? How can you earn money online quickly? One way to ensure success is to use links extensively. There are millions or even billions of websites on the internet and if you have many links, your website may be viewed by a lot of people (possibly prospects) all over the world. Your site has a higher chance of being viewed than other websites who doesn't use links extensively. Remember, you need to catch the attention of the internet user because once he or she leaves your site, there is no guarantee that they can find it again. Your website should encourage an immediate response from the viewer. You will only earn money if the viewer makes a purchase. Most internet shoppers are hasty with their online purchases and if you're quite lucky, you can earn money quickly.

In order to ensure that the buyer does not return the item purchased, your items should be satisfactory. That way, you get to keep the money for good. Another good idea is to offer products that can be downloaded. That is a surefire way to earn money online quickly. You can offer book, movie, and music downloads. E-books are quite popular nowadays and if you can create one, it can give you lots of money in return. The internet is full of information resources. Surfers need information, that's why they use the internet. If they find your e-book interesting, they will not hesitate to purchase it. Find the right market for your e-books. You can tell your friends, colleagues, and relatives about it. By creating an e-book, you might be able to earn a lot of money for quite some time.

There are still other ways to earn money online quickly. You can try out affiliate programs if you like. Affiliate programs let's you earn money on commission basis. You must have your own website where you can promote certain products or services. In an affiliate program, you will be called an affiliate and you will have to market or promote products or services of another businessperson or even a company.

So you see, there are a lot of ways to earn money online quickly. You simply have to know your income opportunities. Gather as much information first before you plunge in any online business. It pays to be a knowledgeable and wise businessperson. Go ahead, do online business now. Start by making money with google.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Norway is about to Ban Itunes Downloads Online?

Lets talk about something new and unexpected.
When it comes to downloading music on the web in a legal fashion, Itunes is the undisputed leader. Well, maybe not in Norway.

Norway has a unique set of laws related to technology, particularly as it applies to the web. One set of laws tries to create a consumer friendly air for particular software to product applications. In human terms, these laws state that a software system designed for a specific problem also has to be adaptable to other products not owned by the company in question. In this case, we are talking about the Itunes and Ipod relationship.

Unlike most countries, Norway has a unique way of enforcing its laws in this regard. The country appoints an “Ombudsman” to rule on various issues such as whether a company is or is not complying with the laws of the country. The current ombudsman has ruled that Apple violates the law because Itunes cannot be used to download to Nokia and Microsoft products to name but a few. So, is Itunes going to be blocked in Norway now? No. The company has until October 1st to make changes that allow other products to receive downloads from Itunes. How Apple goes about this, of course, is going to be the interesting development.

Obviously, the Norway ruling is not good news for Apple and its incredibly popular Itunes-Ipod product line. Then again, how big a hit could losing the Norway market be? Probably not a big one, but more bad news may be on the way. Other countries in the European Union are now reviewing the ruling and considering adopting it. If Apple faces this problem across all of Europe, you can bet it will move quickly to modify Itunes.

At the end of the day, the ruling of the ombudsman in Norway may look like the usual unwanted government intervention. In truth, it is probably a good move. As consumers, we should want as much flexibility as possible with the things we pay for. If Itunes can be accessed through more products, it can only be a good thing.


digital product reviews

Monday, June 16, 2008

quick tip and some norway info

Here is how to get rid of acne: acne solution

The fjords and the mountainous landscape gives you the possibility to create interesting itineraries that are unique along the 1.200 nautical miles long coastline.

The beauty of Norway doesn't only depend on its mountains and fjords but also on the diversity of its islands, which makes sailing in Norway truly enjoyable. All you have to do is charter a yacht, and then you can give yourself one unique and memorable holiday for you and your family.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Travel Tips To Keep You Secure

Whether it’s your first trip or you are a seasoned jet setter,
it’s never too late to learn a couple of new tricks to make your
trip more enjoyable, more efficient, and safer.

Here are a few steps you should always follow.


• Always confirm reservations the day before especially for late
arrivals give a credit card guarantee.
Send a copy of your itinerary to significant other or closest
family member. (I also put a copy of my schedule on the

TIP: Discuss up front how often and when you will call so family
won't be worried if they don't hear from you. Set aside a
specific time you will touch base either by phone email or fax
(fax is particularly good when out of the country and in
different time zones.)

• Plan to travel light but always put and extra set of underwear
and essentials in your carry on. Pack dress shoes in a carry on
if you wear running shoes to the airport. I once had to make an
important presentation in my sneakers because my luggage was
lost. Include any medications that you need on a daily basis in
your carry on. Carry plenty of water on the plane and take
something for dry throat such as lozenges in your carry on. Put
important phone numbers such as your meeting location in case of
delays in a couple of places among your bags.

TIP: Always carry your important business papers with you on the
plane. DO NOT check your briefcase.

• Pack extra glasses, tissues, and aspirin in your travel bag.
Take snacks such as raisins, nuts or fruit (not candy) in case
you get stranded on a runway and there is no food.

• Double check to ensure you have cash, identification, credit
cards, itinerary and eticket or paper ticket before you leave
home. (Don’t forget your passport if you are traveling out of the
country). Go through your purse to ensure there are no scissors
or similar items that might be construed as weapons. I lost a
very nice pair of scissors that way.

• Don't wear shoes with metal bars/rods in the soles. It is awful
to have to take them off and walk around in your bare feet.
Depending upon the size of the airport this can add considerable
time to the screening process. You can never be too careful. Once
the under wire in my bra set off the alarm at the airport and a
female attendant had to pat me up to make sure I didn't have a
concealed weapon in my bra.

• Plan to arrive at the airport a minimum of two hours before
your flight. The important lesson is to be relaxed and enjoy the
trip. You do not want to start off on a bad foot by rushing
frantically at the last minute. Should your schedule be really
tight, find an agent at the airport and explain the situation.
Don't stand in line expecting them to contact you. Arrive at the
gate at least 20 minutes before departure. If the flight is over
booked, they WILL give away your seat. If you and someone else
have the same seat don't get up and give it to them. Stay seated
and alert a flight attendant. Provide your boarding pass.
Possession is 9/10 of the law. You don't have to move if you got
there first. This is the time to stand your ground or you might
not be on the flight at all.


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

History of Norway and Facts about Norway

Norway is a constitutional monarchy in northern Europe, west of Sweden on the scandinavian the peninsula. Apart from Sweden, the country abuts to Russia and Finland. The islands Svalbard and Jan Mayen stands during Norwegian alone handle-bar and to be considered as a part of the kingdom, while Bouvetön in the Atlantic and Peter in: s island in the placid sea is secondary Norway but is not counted as a part of the country. Norway has also done pretensions on Queen Maud country in Antarctica.

Norway has a breeze temperate climate. The normal temperature varies bigly between different parts of the country. In wintertime the temperature varies between -15 to 1° and 10-20° in the summer. It rains from 500 to over 2000 mm.

Norway became one united country during 1000-talet and had during quantity winter lairs on 1200 over the Faroe Island, Iceland and Greenland. According to certain histories meant Digerdöden years 1349 however a hard kind and the country ended up in the shadow of its bit countries. The original Norwegian mound nobility died gradually out. During the years with Denmark lost Norway its old territories Bohuslän, Jämtland, Härjedalen, Idre and Särna to Sweden. Napoleonwar, with Denmark that allierade with France, meant slutet for the Danes' time in Norway. At a peace conference in Kiel in 1814 submitted Norway to Sweden, but without the islands in the north Atlantic. Considerable national protests resulted however in a Norwegian constitution and the choice of Kristian Fredrik to king May 17 1814. But the Swedish crown prince, the latter king man XIV Johan refused to recognize Norway's independence and Sweden went to offensive. After some weeks' wars, the Norwegian army and Norway gave up were forced to go in personnel union with Sweden through the convention in Moss. Norway retained however your new constitution with the changes that the union required and the nation alder parish chose the Swedish king man XIII to king also in Norway November 4.

Norway became fully-independent 1905. On 1890 had Norway's aversion with the union increased strong. That Sweden time on time denied Norway to have an own foreign policy and an own contributed to this. It latter had purely practically a big importance for it significant Norwegian. Majority feared that the crisis could finish that in 1814, that Sweden again would go to wars against Norway and as the strong party to dictate a bitter peace. Negotiations in Karlstad between they both countries' governments succeeded however to create a peaceful end on the union. The Norwegian throne was offered the Swedish princes, but all thanked no. It became instead Denmark's prince's Carl that thanked yes and was chosen to king Haakon VII of Norway.

April 9 1940 begun Germany their attack against Norway. The German crossing verge Blücher in Oslofjorden gave king family and the government time to escape from Oslo. The towns Molde, Elverum, Kristiansand, Steinkjer, Voss and Namsos was damaged in German bomb attacks. It took 62 days for the Germans to conquer Norway and then established they a puppet government with Vidkun Quisling as leader. The king and the legal government succeeded to escape to Great Britain. Then Germany gave up 1945 was located 350 000 German soldiers in Norway. Krigsdödade Norwegians during the 5 years is calculated to just over 10 000, of these each 700 Jews. 9 000 Norwegians had sat in German concentration camp. Finnmark was that part of Norway as been hit hardest. It escaping Wehrmacht burnt the villages and destroyed 1944 and 1945 almost all infrastructures during their experiment to detain the red army. The civilian population on closely 60 000 had to move southwards.

That is some history, now over to some facts about Norway:

Norway has 4 577 457 inhabitants (2004), of which approximately a half million building in Oslo's municipality. About Oslo lives however approximately 1 million people.

The population increases with 0,4%a year (estimate in July 2004). Of the inhabitants is 50,5%women and 49,5%men. Divided in age (2004): 0-14 years 19,8%, 15-64 years 65,4%and 65 years and older, 14,8%.

Norwegian is official language in Norway. The language comprises the two script variants book objectives and newly Norwegian. Approximately 95% of Norway's population speaks Norwegian that mother tongues. Samiska is minor and official languages in some municipalities in north Norway.

When it comes to ethnic origin, the biggest part of the population is Nordic while a smaller part in the northern part of the country is samisk or Finnish. During the last years the deep-rooted ring has constituted more than the half of befolkningstillväxten and an increased proportion of the population is immigrants, 7,3%as at January 1, 2003. The biggest foreign groups is Swedish, Danes and Pakistanis.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Get some exercise and play tennis!

There are many tennis courts in Norway, and tennis is a great and exiciting sport. I really hope you will play tennis when you visit norway. Here is were to get tennis equipment: Top Tennis Gear

Friday, January 18, 2008

Sharing a site with you all

Wanted to share a site on photography with you all today. If youre planning on traveling to Norway, it is nice to know something about too. Here it is anyway:
Hobby Photography Tips