Thursday, August 17, 2006

Welcome stranger and welcome to this blog, called " Reisser norway the truth about norway "

This blog is written by a norwegian boy, who wanted to give you travelers some information
about how it really is to take a vacation to Norway. Because I actually live in this country, I will give you
correct info, and not just the disguised and not so tru picture, that travel agencies will provide you
with. You may not like everything you read here, since you have come to this site, because you probably are thinking of taking a trip to Norway someday. But fear not, although you now might think,
I will totally trash Norway as a travel destination, but thats not the case. I just want to tell you what I as a
norwegian think about the big cities of this country, attractions, what you should do here, and that
kind of stuff. Keep in mind this site is new, come back for lots lots more of inside information later!

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